Submit a Need


We provide assistance to individuals in need and organizations that align with our mission.

To submit a need, please fill out the following form.

1. Are you a private individual seeking funds to further your education or for other private purpose? If yes, skip questions #2-7 and move to #8.

2. Are you an organization recognized individual seeking funds to further your education or for other private purpose? If no, skip to question #8.

3. Is your organization currently recognized as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code?

4. Are you a religious organization seeking a grant for religious purposes?

5. Is your organization currently recognized as a public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code?

6. Does your organization's mission focus on the needs of the community and seek to provide music instruments and/or education to those in need?

7. If you answered YES to the previous question, please outline the following:

8. Are you seeking a grant for purposes of influencing legislation or for any other political purpose?

If yes, the Now I Play Along Too Foundation, Inc. is a public foundation and under Internal Revenue Service guidelines is limited to awarding grants
only to qualified public charities and/or individuals and is therefore prohibited from providing assistance to those seeking to influence legislation or
use for any other political purpose..

9. If you are an individual requesting assistance, please provide a narrative* outlining the following:

Once you hit submit, you will be re-directed back to this page without notice of your submission being received. Your information is logged in the database and we will receive notification of your submission via email. Someone will contact you shortly regarding your request.